Cloud Platform

Website & App Hosting (CDN)

Hosting with low latency and high transfer speeds all over a fast, agile and reliable global network.

$0.15 per GB of data transfered & $0.04 per 10,000 HTTP/S requests


Every website includes a free SSL cert, DDoS protection, and firewall, to keep your website and your visitors safe.

EthanMedia Hosting delivers high-performance content through a global network of replicated origin servers, leveraging Cloudflare and CDNs, with over 350 Edge Points of Presence worldwide for optimal speed and reliability.

At EthanMedia, we strive to have our Networks up 24/7, with no issues. Our service level agreement can be found here. We understand that it's absolutely vital that your sites are up 24/7.

Don't worry about racking up a massive data transfer bill, EthanMedia customers get unlimited data transfer per website.